My sister who had a vacation tour in Batanes shared her own experience with regards to the paradise like setting of the place, culture and people. Thus, it was based on her pictures that this writeup was made.
Batanes is an archipelago province located in the northernmost part of the Philippines. It is also the smallest, both in population and land area. The capital is Basco located in the island of Batan and the native inhabitants are the tourist-friendly Ivatan people.
According to her, the whole place is composed of lush and green vegetation composed of rolling hills and terrains that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. The shoreline is composed of long stretch of fine grain white sand beach along the coastline with rock formations and lighthouse that creates a picturesque view, it is truly a sight to behold. "Stone houses" are also a common sight- built to withstand storms and typhoons most especially that the island lies in the typhoon prone location.
Some of the must see places in Batanes are: Marlboro Hills, Spanish Lagoon, Chamantad-Tinyan View Point, Beaterio House in Sabtang Island,Mahatao View Deck, Mahayaw Arch, Morong Beach, and Valugan Boulder Beach.
How to Get There:
1. Travel promos are available in Metro Deal