Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Push-Ups: The Classic Strengthening Exercise

Push-ups are one of the oldest and most basic form of strengthening exercises for a simple reason that it works. When I was a cadet in a military school, I hate doing push-ups (it was a form of punishment at that time). Until recently, I realized the benefits that I can reap with this classic strengthening exercise. It's no wonder why push-ups are included in military physical fitness test.

It targets all the muscles in the upper body: increasing endurance, stamina and builds optimal strength in the forearms, shoulders, chest. And when done properly, it also put emphasis on building a strong core by stabilizing the abdominals, back and even the quads.

A great exercise that can be done anywhere. No expensive equipment needed. No gym membership required. No trainer instruction is necessary. You don’t need to be in a group to do push ups. 

(Decline/Wide Shoulder Push-Ups: develops upper body strength and chest)

(Clapping Push-Ups: develops speed and explosiveness)

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